What Are Implant Dentures?
Instead of sitting directly on the gums, an implant denture is anchored onto a number of dental implants that are embedded in the jawbone. These artificial tooth roots give your prosthetic the support it needs to remain in place at all times and feel exactly like your original teeth. Depending on your needs and preferences, we may recommend one of the two types of implant dentures:
Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures
Often, an average of four to eight strategically positioned implants are enough to support a full denture that remains in place at all times. Only a dentist can remove it, meaning you can brush and floss as you did before losing your teeth.
Removeable Dentures
Your implant denture can also be removable so that you can take it out for daily cleaning. This may be ideal if you don’t want to change the routine you had with traditional dentures. Because removable implant dentures only require two to five posts on average, it may be possible for patients with lower jawbone density to receive them.